Switch to FOS Residential broadband hassle-free

Stream videos, browse the internet and play online games with no limit.

Three easy steps to get started with FOS Residential

Check Coverage
Confirm that ipNX FOS is available where you live
Check Coverage
Select your preferred plan
Choose the Residential broadband plan that best suits your needs
Residential Plans
Sign Up
Make a request for your preferred plan
Get Started
Select your preferred plan
Choose the Residential broadband plan that best suits your needs
Residential Plans
Sign Up
Make a request for your preferred plan
Get Started

Here’s why you’ll love FOS Residential

Unlimited internet connection
Superfast, consistent speed
100% Fibre-Optic Service
One free phone line to make free on-net calls
Low call rates to other local and international numbers
24/7 support

How fast is your home internet now?